Hall Pass
There’s a new movie hitting town called “Hall Pass.” The basic premise is that there are two couples who are feeling bored in their marriages and the wives give the husbands a “hall pass” for a week where they can do anything they want and act as though they have no obligations. It’s their chance to be single again.
In order to publicize the film they commissioned a study in the UK. The study found that while the concept that marriages tend to go through a rough spot around year seven (the Seven Year Itch) many marriages are now hitting that spot around year three.
(“The Seven Year Itch is now the Three Year Glitch“)
According to the study the top 10 love busters to blame for the Three Year Glitch are:
1. Weight gain/lack of exercise, 13 percent
2. Money & Spend thriftiness, 11 percent
3. Anti-social working hours, 10 percent
4. Hygiene issues (personal cleanliness), 9 percent
5. In-Laws/extended family – too much/too little, 9 percent
6. Lack of romance (sex, treats etc), 8 percent
7. Alcohol – drinking too much, 7 percent
8. Snoring & anti social bedtime habits, 6 percent
9. Lapsed fashion-Same old underwear/clothes, 4 percent
10. Bathroom habits – Stray nail cuttings etc, 4 percent
Now, call me crazy, but I’m not thinking that the people polled were looking at marriage the same way I do. While I can’t deny that significant weight gain or loss or underwear found with granny girdles or banana slings might be a bump in the road in some relationships, I’m thinking that marriage should be about more than toenail clippings and difficult working hours.
What do you think? Do you identify with these findings? What are the small things that you’ve learned to love about your spouse?
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