The Fatties Are Coming!

When I tell you the average women’s dress size in the United States is 18 does it make you want to go all Michelle Obama on me and scream, “Obesity! The fatties are coming!”?
Just checking.
Because, while I might not scream fat-prejudiced epithets, I definitely think, “Hm… size 18. Americans need to lay off the fast food and fried cheese or the land of the plenty will sink into the sea.”
My waistline continues to grow as middle age approaches and I pop out the children. Right now I’m doing the watered down challenge and it’s no lie I’d like to say goodbye to the lard baby forever.
In my mind, I’d like to be a six 6. I’d take an 8, which is the size I parked on from 1993 to 2006, but a size 6, that’s my ideal.
A few days ago I come across this little article from Marie Claire where they took pictures of lovely women of various sizes and asked people which size they preferred.
Guess what? Their answer was size 12. And that’s the size I preferred to see as well – the size 6 model was undoubtably beautiful but gave me the idea she could easily be snapped in two if involved in a tickle fight, snowboarding crash or wrestle with a large dog.
All of this made me wonder: For a feminist-leaning, body-image-awareness spouting, educated woman… how much skinny hype have I gobbled down without awareness? What should my next step be as I adjust my perspective?
So, you tell me – take a look at the photo on this post and tell me which size you prefer? Does that surprise you at all?
But, but *sputter!* you’re right! I do like the 12! What the??? Why do i feel so overweight as a 6-8?? maybe they’re all six feet tall? i’m confused. befuddled. going to go eat pancakes now.
These are british sizes. A british size 6 equals a US size 2. The british size 12 is a US size 8. They should really clarify that on this website…
Really? I didn’t know that! Thank you for sharing!
I’d say the 12 or 14. 12 has always been my ideal, but even at my thinnest I could barely fit it. My body had changed so much after having 2 kids!
Hm. I agree with the consensus, the size 12 woman looks healthy. However, I do have some thoughts…(because I like to stir up trouble!):
1. Size 12 on a 5’10” woman is a lot slimmer than size 12 on a 4’10” woman. Yes, I presume that the women here are of a similar height, but I also think that sizes are relative. Also, a slim woman is not necessarily healthy. I think Ms. 12 is appealing because she looks toned (healthy), but not skinny.
2. Proportion matters. Most of these women are evenly proportioned. (Meaning, their hips and chest are about the same width.) Sure, if I wore a size D bra, I might look slimmer too, but only because my waist would be smaller than my chest (finally!). It’s the “hourglass” effect of proportions that is working in their favor.
P.S. When it’s a topic like this, would you please be a bit more selective about the photo you use. I realize this is the photo from the article, but since my kids were next to me when I stopped by earlier, I decided to wait until later to read this post. 🙂
I think about this very issue a lot. I am only 5’1″ and a 1/2 if I really stand tall. My body, after having two children, likes to hover around 120lbs. and a size 2. I have been smaller, dropping to an emaciated 110lbs., size 0 for the Mrs. Oklahoma pageant. But what’s funny, is that if (IF!) I let myself gain a few extra pounds, others have referred to me as pudgy! PUDGY! A size 4 and pudgy. While at the same time, women who are larger than I am insist that I am thin, and cannot imagine why I would ever diet. (Although my theory has always been that it is easier to lose 10 pounds than 30 or 40.)
So I guess I am simply confused. I feel like I should only worry about being healthy and eating well, but at the same time I worry about every pound that carbs pad me with.
I teach advertising, so I know every trick in the book. However, I still find myself so susceptible to the idea of what the perfect me should look like.
Articles off. Each of the sizes presented here are actually 2 sizes below. So, the size 12 that is the preferred size, is actually a size 8, which is about right.
I’m an American woman, size six (in U.S. sizes) and I took great offence to what you first said; and how this is titled. Firstly, are you prejudice, or something? have you actually ever been to America? Because if you walk around in a supermarket over here, most of the people look like they’re a size 6-14 (UK size). Saying that the size 18 people in the US are going to put the body of our great land into the ocean is rediculous, how dare you?
All our lives, all every girl ever hears is about is how you SHOULD look, what size you should wear, hair color, eye color. It’s always society baised. You have to look like you’re a stick;you have to have blonde hair and blue eyes; you have to be tan, with an hourglass figure;you have to be tall; you have to have a big breast; you have to be athletic and smart and social and get enough sleep and cook and be friendly-always- and respect everyone. There’s alwayse some kind of catch. If you’re overweight, you’re considered fat. If you’re underweight or even perfect, you’re considered anorexic.
It’s people like you who run these things, people like you who make others fall to sleep crying every night because they can’t be perfect. People like you who make people self harm, throw up, and become anorexic.
Have you ever thought that some people can’t help it? Have you ever thought that some people literally have a medical condition that causes them to be a bit heavier than they would like?
In reality, we’re all going to die, and our insides(fat and all) is going to turn into bone. So instead about being worried about being fat, why don’t you try to be healthy?
Pardon me if I’ve taken this the wrong way, but screw you. And all the inconsiderate others who don’t stop and think about how other people feel, and what they’re going through. How many people have you ruined? Think about all the people that have commited suicide because of the steriotypical comments made against them. Then, after they’re gone, the same people who abused them, humiliated them, hurt them; say how beautiful they were. It’s a bunch of crap, don’t you agree? Especially for a middle-aged woman who has kids.
I’m losing faith in the world because of people like you.
And instead of making fun of Americans, think of what you wouldn’t have without Americans. For example: electricity, glasses, fire hydrants, lobster traps, wrench, baseball, gas masks, jackhamers, dishwashers, safety pins, fire alarms, burglar alarms, elevator brakes, toilet paper, salt and pepper shakers, pencil erasers, escalators, vaccum cleaners, breakfast cereal, irons, the electric fan, Disney everything, and so much more. Face it, sweetie, you can be as against us as you want. But you’d be lost without us.
And F.Y.I, the BRITISH (and Irish) boy band, One Direction, admit that Mcdonalds is their all-time-favorite resturant. They’re more successful then you’ll ever be, so take that for “fast food and fried cheese”. Idiot. I’ve always dreamed about travling to Europe, but if there are people like you ruining the country with that venomous poison you call words; I’d rather die. I’m furious. Don’t let your grubby paws near my country.
Melony – thanks for your comment. I suspect this is the only post on this site you’ve ever read. I would encourage you to spend some time poking around “Favorite Posts” and then read this one again. If it’s still offensive, I’m happy to apologize to you. But I suspect you’re misunderstanding me, my style of writing, and what this blog is about.
I liked your post a lot.. But what really made me happy was the One Direction reference.. Ahaha and Niall can just sit there and eat all the greasy “fast food and fried cheese” he wants and still be more successful than this girl…
Wow! Calm down. Nothing you just said was even HINTED at in the article! Quite frankly yes you did over react, no it wasn’t making fun of Americans just pointing out a fact which, while it may not seem so where you live, is based on the WHOLE country and thus may seem different. In addition, the weight issues and the awful affects it can sometimes have are found all over the world, not just in the US so please be respectful of that as much as you seem to want respect for the problems found in your own country.
Also, you’re last comment about how you’d love you would love to travel Europe? You should come and see what it’s really like rather than judge which you’ve been accusing the author here of; because to be honest, before I went to the US I had a lot of opinions of what it would be like, what the people would be like etc. Some of my opinions changed, some didn’t. You never know unless you try it.
May I suggest re-reading the article when you’re not angry? Hopefully you may have misunderstood what was being said.
Furthermore, the “face it sweetie, you’d be lost without us” comment, the British invented the computer, car, telephone, internet, parliament – therefore modern government systems, polyester, the sewing machine, the postage stamp, christmas cards, television, solar panels, SMS – texting, the typewriter, the novel, DNA – including it’s finger printing and the first ever DNA database, commercial steel, a ton of different types of foods including pancakes, dishwashers, corkscrew, magnifying glass, a huge amount of vaccines including smallpox, the ability to do blood transfusions and a thousand other things.
So no we would not be lost without you, you’re country wouldn’t function as it does today without US and the things we have discovered (including the first successful settlement in Maine!)
do feel for the chick offedned by said remark coz it did steriotpye americans a bit, its true it can make people feel bad, but then we british get it to from all other contrys that think we’re a soft touch to take the piss out of. further more the list of what either contrys goes on and is irelivate to said topic. anyways back the topic… size 12 is a good size not to thin not to big that u could pos feel sluggish and such(no offence to said big ladys out there u r beautiful) me… ive not long had my lil girl10 months ago and am size 12, aiming to go back to my size 10 pre baby size as i feel less strain on my crappy joint when im there. all sizes r beautiful. do worry for both ober slimm lady and ladys that r larger than life but am sure they r healthy of heart and soul, and regardless of size all ladys and gents are beautiful in their own unique way xxx
p.s please no comments on my spelling im aware ive fluffed up typing to fast lol x
Yes, yes, it works like this when you pick 6 foot tall models. Not so much on an average (5’4”) height woman.I’m a 4 right now and I look normal, not thin, I look chubby at an 8. I would be Godzilla like at a size 12.