The Locals

I have a general prejudice against local commercials.
Yeah, yeah. I know it’s shocking to think I could be critical of anything. Just shocking.
But really… is there anything that makes you cringe more than a commercial filmed at your local car dealership?
The audio is awful, the acting is stilted. I lived in a town once where one of Lizard’s friends owned a dealership. They ran local commercials. In one he wore a cape and ran through the cars hopping like a monkey.
Who does that?
I just saw a commercial from our local television channel encouraging viewers to support our troops. I like the cause I liked the newscasters who were speaking.
But then there were the local military folk standing there, looking noble and patriotic. Except for their eyes. They were darting around like crazy. One little daughter was curled into her dad like she was terrified one of the cameras would eat her.
Not so pleasant.
(And this is the point where I stop and remember that previous posts I’ve written have a significant point. I wonder what happened to my philosophical side and feel guilty for dragging you along on a post about local commercials. I’m sorry. I blame the baby.)
Next weekend, though, we won’t be watching the local commercials. Nope. Bring on the season of Superbowl commercial madness. I’m all for it. Except for the GoDaddy ones. I’ve never liked those.