Strawberry Shortcake is not the Winner

I bet you didn’t know a Strawberry Shortcake Band-Aid could cause a significant amount of grief, did you?
I really can’t blame you, I didn’t know a Strawberry Shortcake Band-Aid was something to fear until this evening. But just this very night we found a red rash on Dos’ thigh.
It exactly matched the outline of the Strawberry Shortcake Band-Aid she’s been sporting there since her high risk ball game with the other preschoolers on Thursday. In our family we know what that means: latex allergy.
Our normally cheerful girl was very upset to find she has the same latex allergy as her mama and sister. After listening to her cry I’m honestly not sure if she’s completely upset because she “didn’t want to ever have any allergies,” because she can’t wear the Strawberry Shortcake Band-Aids any more, or because it was 10 p.m. and the Band-Aid sent her over the edge of nighttime sanity.
Regardless of the outcome I do know we had a tropical storm of hurricane proportions in our house tonight. And we won’t do latex anymore in our house.
This has nothing to do with tropical storms, but I’m pleased to announce the winner of Shadows Gray by Melyssa Williams is my new friend from DefinitionOfSanity. She admitted to being a StealingFaith lurker and I’m so very happy she came out of the woodwork of the blogosphere to comment and let me know she’d really like to visit regency England if given a chance to travel through time.
Her courage won her a copy of an excellent book! I’m also happy to announce when it was all said and done no one’s name was placed in the baby’s diaper or digested.
In fact, no children (or poodles) were harmed in the selection of this winner.
Another fun outcome of the book giveaway? We have some questions about the publishing/writing experience to answer! I’ll be working to get some answers for Megan about creating time to write as a mom, finishing the stinkin’ book, and the publishing process. Can’t wait!
Final thought of the night (since Strawberry Shortcake has crowded out all normal thoughts) is actually a confession.
I bought little boy clothes today at Savers. The knowledge our son will now be able to leave the hospital in something besides a diaper is a tremendous relief! I’ve been worrying the boy would either be dressed in pink and ruffles or left to wander around in a diaper.
Not anymore! No fears for me!
The question for the evening: what is the longest, strangest commitment you’ve ever done? (For example, a friend of mine gave up all carbonated beverages several years ago. I think she’s insane because she doesn’t drink Coca-Cola anymore, but I’m also really impressed with her will power!)
Does “Narrating an audiobook” count as strange? I suppose it would for some, so I will risk the comment… It is certainly a much longer commitment than one would expect (sadly, even myself); but totally worth it!
I have a heap of boy clothes that you can HAVE. 🙂
I’ll take ’em!
I also quit soda a little over 2 years ago. Part of a weight loss program, lost 70lbs and only allowed 8 to creep back on. Working on getting rid of those and a few more. Discipline at 58 is tougher than I thought, however, the commitment to getting healthy and being around for when I finally have grandchildren trumps indulgence.