3 Simple Questions: Parenting by Melyssa Williams

3 Simple Questions on Parenting with Melyssa Williams of Shadows Gray

If you’ve been reading StealingFaith for longer than a month, you know my blogosphere friend Melyssa Williams recently released her first book, Shadows Gray.


I’m so proud of her I’ve busted four buttons off my blouse. (Well… maybe it’s the pregnant belly. Not sure. But I am terribly proud so it seems to make sense I blame the pride rather than the fetus for this condition.)


You may not know I first met Melyssa through her blog, The Daze of Us. I got an immediate writer’s crush because she made me laugh. Hard. I related to the tag line: “Our daze with Mom, Dad, three sweet rugrats, some food, and a spaniel named Milo… Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops.”


Just in case you’ve only met Melyssa through Shadows Gray you need to know more about her. Which is why I asked her 3 Simple Questions about Parenting.


1. What’s the grossest thing that’s ever happened to you as a parent? “Well, poop seems so obvious, yet… Well, once my baby was eating hers… It’s also been smeared on walls… painted on crib railings… rubbed into hair and ears…”


2. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve experienced as a parent? “You can’t beat spontaneous bursts of affection! Anything like, “you’re the best mommy,” or “I love you more than tacos” is pretty darn great.”


3. What’s the most humbling thing you’ve experienced as a parent? “Ick. This could get ugly! Well, the first time you realize you are THAT MOM, or your kid is THAT KID…yeah, you know the one. The one melting down in the grocery store or screaming bloody murder in the parking lot. That’s humbling. Realizing how angry my kids could make me was weirdly humbling. I thought I was a patient person until I had children.


I also remember trying to get my first infant to sleep and pretty much stinking at it. I was so tired and it was the middle of the night and I’d been rocking her and nursing her and doing everything I could. Finally she fell asleep and I began the impossible task of trying to transfer her to her crib but of course as soon as I laid her down, she woke up and started wailing. I burst into tears and yelled to God (who I had literally been praying to and begging minutes before) “No wonder everyone hates You! You are so MEAN!!!”  Now I laugh about it, but it was humbling, to say the least.


Bonus: What post represents your writing best?  http://thedazeofus.blogspot.com/2012/02/valentines-day-post.html


Keep track of Melyssa-in-Real-Life:

Blog: The Daze of Us, http://thedazeofus.blogspot.com/

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/melyssawilliams

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/mrslyssa/


If you haven’t read the series I wrote on Shadows Gray, go ahead and search for it using the search box. And, if you held off reading it because you like to physically touch books you read – you’re in luck! Shadows Gray is now available in print! Just visit here to get your own copy!

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One thought on “3 Simple Questions: Parenting by Melyssa Williams

  • June 7, 2012 at 8:22 am

    Sorry about your buttons! You can mail me your blouse and I’ll add it to my pile of “needs buttons” mending I’ll probably never get to. 😉

    P.S. Thanks!


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