“Me Likee!” Link Up – July

There are so many awesome articles and writers around, I can’t help but share the link-up love!
Besides, there are only so many times I can write about the fact my son hasn’t let me sleep more than two hours in a row in two weeks.
Newborn infants. They have a special streak of eeeevil in them you don’t really notice because you’re too busy sucking on their toes and smelling their heads.
{wait. you don’t do that? you are *SO* missing out!}
Here are some of my favorite posts from the last month. Go. Visit. Enjoy!
1. Tinkerbell is Considerably More Evil Than You Think. I just discovered this writer and I almost split my stitches laughing at his humor columns. It doesn’t hurt that I think Tinkerbell dresses completely inappropriately… and that I’ve been known to call her a tramp. (Check out his post about Chuck E. Cheeses while you’re on his site… you won’t regret it!
2. 75 Happiness Quotes to Live By. Feeling like you need a little inspiration? Here you go.
3. Putting the Lie Women Can Have It All To Rest. I haven’t been able to decide if I love or hate this article. It does bring up some thought-provoking ideas, however. I’d love to hear your opinion!
4. What Parents Can Learn from the Sandusky Case. My heart is still breaking over the Sandusky abuses and the fall out on Joe Paterno, who I’ve always believed a very, very classy guy. One of the great take aways from this article? “Use the word “surprises” with your kids instead of “secrets,” since molesters play keep-a-secret to keep young victims silent.”
5. Seven Things Your Guy Wishes You Knew About Him – But Doesn’t Know How to Tell You. I always appreciate insight into the male gender, especially when it comes from a man! James Watkins writes with authenticity and authority – and what he says may surprise you!
6. 10 Essential Grammar Rules for Life. I know I’m a little strange, as not everyone’s heart flutters with joy at a well-turned phrase or aptly-placed word. However, this article can’t help but inspire anyone, even those who think a paragraph-long book report is painful to write!
7. 100 Things I Want To Teach My Daughter. This sweet post resonated so completely with me… I hope it hits hard with you, too.
8. 25 Rules for Mothers of Sons. Hey! I have a son, now! (It’s literally a two-week old change… I still get surprised and stumble over the word, “son.”) I figure I’d better start reading up on how to raise an absolutely awesome dude. Here’s where I’ve started.
9. Marriage Is The Real Problem. I can’t stop plugging Dr. Kelly Flanigan – he’s been on the last three “Me Likee” Link Ups! I can’t help it – his background as a counselor informs his writing… and he puts marriage under the microscope in a real, blunt way. He also provides hope and perspective, a gold medal combination!
10. Your Children Want You! This post came at just the right time for me. We’re gearing up for a new school year and I’m in the midst of praying I’ll be the mom my kids need me to be while wearing the hats of “mother of newborn,” “teacher,” “worker,” “housekeeper,” “wife,” etc., etc. (I know I’m not the only one out there juggling roles!) April Perry’s words reminded me what my kids need the most is… me. Not Pinterest-inspired perfection. Just little ‘ol, imperfect me.
What are the best articles you’ve read this month? Share the links in the comments!
Thanks for the link and the kind words, Stealing