“Me Likee” Link Up – It’s Inspiring

I’m a sucker for the stories that make me think, make me want to be a better human, or encourage me to never give up. I’ve come across a few that inspire me lately — here are the links:
1. Couple Loses 538 Pounds. We watch the Biggest Loser and are always so inspired by the tremendously hard work people complete in order to live a healthier life. This article is similar — and the couple is ridiculously attractive!
2. You’re a Stay-at-Home Mom — What do you DO all day?! I haven’t had many people give me a hard time for being a stay-at-home mom, but occasionally I get knuckle heads who can’t understand why we have laundry on the sofa or grapes smashed on the floor when I’m at home all day doing nothing. (Ha!) I loved this husband’s defense of his wife’s career choice… and it inspired me to work harder at being the mom I know I can be.
3. 25 Things Every Woman Needs to Know. There are some nice tidbits in this article that rank right up there with making sure a woman always has access to a power drill. And a plunger.
4. When Life Feels Like It’s Stuck on Repeat. I’m a big fan of Lisa-Jo Baker. Her writing encourages me often. This post gave me the extra needed boost I needed (in addition to a cup of coffee).
5. There are no “cool moms.” Another from Lisa Jo Baker that reminded me I’m pre-approve (and so are you!) and that’s… well… that’s just awesome.
6. Seeing A Woman. I’m realizing more and more that pornography and sexuality is a crazy serious issue. I adored this wisdom from a father to a son on how to really see a woman.
7. Less is More. Have you ever wished your marriage possessed just a little more attention? This post helped me think through the ways I can study my husband in order to know him more.
8. Marriage Advice from a Divorced Man. They say regret can be a powerful motivator; this heartfelt blog post from a divorced man looking back at 16 years of marriage almost made me cry in its beautiful simplicity.
9. A Week of Food Around the World. A photographer set out to showcase cultural differences by taking pictures of families with a weeks worth of groceries in different countries. It’s hilarious… and sobering all at the same time.
10. The Prize for Motherhood ISN’T Great Kids. It’s funny how much better my life is when I take the spotlight off of my own issues and realize I have a sphere of influence I can control and a whole lot more in this life I can only observe. Reading this post helped me realize my reactions to events are 90% of the fight.
What are some of the stories/articles/blog posts you’ve read that inspired you?