Mountain, MOVE!

You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.
“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

I was up at 2am. I’ve been doing this lately, up in the middle of the night, stomach churning, filled with thoughts about the future and analyzing past conversations. I’ve even broken out into stress hives across my forearms, which is a new condition I find totally lacking in charm.

It’s safe to say, “I’ve had a lot on my mind.”

In the wee hours of the morning, I ruminate on the future, filled with self-doubt about whether we can do this homeschooling thing now that our path forward isn’t as clear as it used to be.

It’s like when we go bowling with the kids and they have those nifty rails that make it so kids can’t throw a gutter ball… well, now the rails have been put down off of our homeschooling and I’m staring at a potential strike… or a terrifying gutter ball as we continue moving forward.

It eats at me. I pray it away, I throw logic at it, but it’s a persistent attack. It is a voice of shame (why didn’t I see this coming?), fear (my kids are going to end up in a box down by the river), and insecurity (what if I choose the wrong path?).

Eventually last night I sorted through the thoughts enough to find peace and headed back to bed. When I got up at my normal time this morning I saw a friend had posted a quote that hit me like an arrow through the heart:

“You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.”

Guys, this “educating our children” thing is a big, freakin’ mountain. It’s a calling, an effort of insanity, filled with twists and turns, highs and lows, moments that take your breath straight away, and experiences that leave you crying in the shower. It’s all the things.

(And that’s only with one child. Throw multiple children in there and you’ve got a stinkin’ mountain range!)

This is overwhelming heart and soul work and it leaves so many opportunities for us to be assaulted by voices of insecurity. But let’s pull back for a minute and remember the main life principles:

God has called us to train our children to love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength and their neighbor as themselves.

God calls us to homeschooling. He’s not in the business of calling us into an effort that is impossible or that He will not sustain us through. That would be sneaky and misleading – but deception is NOT an attribute of God. He’s called us to it and He will see us through it.

We’re on a winning path.

Take a look at this article (the statistics shocked me so much!): Educational Fraud Continues.

  • Only 37% of 12th graders tested proficient or better in reading. (17% of black students.)
  • Only 25% of 12th graders tested proficient or better in math. (7% of black students.)

“It’s grossly dishonest for the education establishment and politicians to boast about unprecedented graduation rates when the high school diplomas, for the most part, do not represent academic achievement. At best they certify attendance.”

Friends. Our alternative to homeschooling is not working right now. It’s dismal. Yes, we know that there are students getting well rounded educations in the public school system, but that is clearly NOT the majority. The odds are in ever favor of homeschooling being successful.

All you have to do is show up and try.

You know what? I can do that. So can you.

“Hey, Mountain! I’ve got this mustard seed and it’s labeled Show Up and Try!”

And I’ve got this God who promises, “I will sustain you, I will illuminate your path and make it straight” and when He talks, He’s trustworthy and things get done!


One last thought that has literally brought me to tears this morning is a piece of advice from a super smart and encouraging friend:

“The Holy Spirit will convict you, but the tools of conviction are NEVER fear and shame.”

Get thee behind me insecurity, fear, and shame! I know your master and it’s not the same as mine. My Daddy can beat your Daddy up.

“You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.”

It’s going to be ok. Go do your work.

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