Weekly Top 5 (6.23.19)

The Top 5 Posts that Brought You Here this Week

Who’s ready for a lookee loo at the top 5 visited posts from this past week on StealingFaith.com? I am! I am! Here they are!

1. Interruptions. “In the interruption, in the waiting, do you, like me, sometimes forget that God is fully at work? Do you forget that, just like we have to wait for bread to rise in order to have an outcome that is useful, God uses the instrument of time to bring things to fruition?”

2.Social Proofs. “When people are trying to reason through their choices, they will often say, ‘Well, so-and-so is doing this, and I like them a lot, so why are you being difficult and telling me it’s a bad idea?'”

3. Items to Ponder: Misclassification of Licensees vs. Franchisees. “A licensing agreement means that people can operate and have ‘branch’ differences. But the moment that the distributor starts placing pressure for identical ‘branches’ across the company, they start into the amount of control operated by a franchise agreement.”

4.Items to Ponder: Misclassification of Independent Contractors vs. Employees. “It boils down to being really, really sure – without adding or subtracting anything or playing word games, that you’re doing the right thing in this area and that a common sense test could be passed.”

5. Ministry and Money. “With homeschooling – or really anything we identify as a ministry – the savvy consumer isn’t looking quite so hard to find the deception in the spin. This is why it hurts so badly to learn that the motivations of others might be different than our own.”

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