4H Record Book App Help

I don’t know how many other 4H families are out there reading, but we are pretty involved and our fair is over Labor Day weekend. Which means that Record Books are on our hot list right now!
Every 4H member is supposed to create a record book for their activities each year. In our county, they then enter this record book into the Clubwork Barn at fair for judging.
Record books include the Member Record, and then Project Records for each project the member does. There are these lovely fillable forms but still you have to keep track of project meetings and what occurred at each one, expenses, income, and assets, project goals, and hours worked on each project.
I will just tell you from experience that if you try to figure this out once a year, two days before the project records are due at the extension office, your life might be filled with agony.
I continue to be shocked that Dante never wrote about 4H record books.
Last night we had a meeting for the county about how to better prepare and I learned about an app called 4H Livestock Record.
I’ve heard about this before, but since our projects are evenly divided between livestock and non-livestock, I didn’t really check it out. I have missed out.
If you’re doing 4H, may I recommend this app to you? It’s free, which is one of my thresholds of judgement, and it allows you to have multiple Users, so each of my kids has been set up for a user.
Once you’ve set up the user, just hit the plus sign for “animal” and add and “animal” for every project. We have “Fiber Arts,” “Gardening,” and “Public Speaking” animals. Ha!
The events section can be affiliated with any of the “animals”/projects, and all that lovely data can be exported as a CSV, meaning you can have a spreadsheet that is sortable based on the project.
Friends. This is pretty spectacular if you’ve had the level of drama we’ve had in our household over record books and faulty memories.
Good luck and may the force be with you!