I’m Famous! And Alive!

I went to MOPS today.

Uno believes that means I went to a church and mopped the floors. Because we all know how much I love to clean and everything.

On the way I almost killed myself by turning the wrong way down a one way street. I started to hyperventilate and might have lost control of bodily function when I saw a blue 4×4 truck coming straight at me.

I two-wheeled Stella into an alley and survived the head-on collision, only to discover my alley was a bit too petite for Stella’s broad Suburban frame. It was kind of like the first time you try on pre-pregnancy jeans after giving birth. You can squish and squirm, squeal and squash and get the zipper pulled up but then you can’t breath and your over-riding thought is, “Please, for the love of Jesus, please get me out of here!!!”

I think Stella needs to go on a diet but she’s already drinking unleaded fuel so I’m just not sure where to go from here.

Anyway, it was an exciting morning. Then I came home and it got even more exciting because I discovered I’ve won an award.

Well, maybe it’s not an award as much as it’s a recognition. I don’t fully understand it, but it seems there’s a destructive dog who likes to read. Or maybe he’s not totally destructive, just super sensitive to monsoon season and has an owner who writes about it.

(And, well, I certainly know about dogs who have special needs.)

Anyway, Bongo over at bongodogblog.wordpress.com thinks StealingFaith is pretty special and I’m not going to disagree. And I’m going to play the same game to pass the love on.

Here are the rules:

To pick up the awards you should:

  • Thank and link to the person who nominates you.
  • Share seven random facts about yourself.
  • Pass the award to five more blogger friends.
  • Contact and congratulate the blogs nominated.
Here come the seven random facts:
1. I was born with 11 toes. My parents had the extra toe on my right foot cut off at birth, something I’ve been forever grateful about. Actually, it was more of an extra lump of skin. (“And I discovered it was my twin…” whoops, slipped into My Big Fat Greek Wedding there for a minute.)
2. I think sugar snap peas are awesome and cauliflower is the vegetable of Satan.
3. If I could go anywhere in the world right now, it would be Malta. It’s a fabulous island nation and it’s beautiful. Plus, they speak English there which is a big plus if you’re monoligual.
4. I think Tinkerbell dresses like a tramp and has authority issues.
5. My dream car is a Toyota 4Runner or a Nissan Armada.
6. I carry a bottle of Lawry’s Season Salt in the glove compartment of the car so I can salt my McDonald’s french fries to perfection.
7. I smoked my first cigarette when I was 16 years old on Ogden Ranch Road. I bought the pack from a hotel vending machine and it didn’t agree with me. Then I was mad I had spent the money.
Now… my blog recognition awards go to:

Big Mama
. I just love her and she does these Fashion Friday Editions that I pretty much ignore because I just want to hear her complain about the Texas heat, her bangs, and her husband’s hunting infatuation. When I’m not feeling funny, I read this blog and it perks me right up.

There’s More to Life Than Sleep.
I actually know this writer personally, we toilet papered neighborhood houses together as youngsters. She’s funny. And I like her.

Because I Said So.
So… Dawn has six children, a hilarious writing style, and has made $1,000 selling a baseball on eBay because she’s just that amazing of a writer. You should check her out!

This blog isn’t full of humor. In fact, it’s started because their son, Judson, died of a rare disorder far too early. But the blog tells about Judson and how his parents are living with his loss, working through the whole issue, and just being. It’s a huge encouragement to me. But I also cry sometimes when I stop by.

It’s Almost Naptime.
Confessions of A Homeschooler. Rants from Mommyland. I have only recently discovered these blogs but I’ve been really enjoying them. Maybe you will, too!

So, there you have it. Let me know what you think of my favorites!
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2 thoughts on “I’m Famous! And Alive!

  • September 16, 2011 at 8:37 am

    awww shucks 🙂 thanks.

    and we sure do have some fun toilet papering memories, now don’t we?

  • October 1, 2012 at 7:14 pm

    I just found this post because someone clicked on the link from it to my blog today. I guess you’ll have to excuse my delayed comment.


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