Snapshot: the puddle is trying to eat a bottle through the chain link fence. She looks like a baby goat trying to suckle and it’s just strange.
Tres has been eating a chocolate granola bar and her face is covered with brown smudge.
Dos just fell off the bed and is howling her knee hurts. (I checked… she’s not injured.)
Uno doesn’t want to take a nap. She doesn’t understand in our household naps are mandatory because without them mama’s grasp on sanity will make a snapping noise and fire will start coming out of her mouth.
It’s a normal day in our house, one filled with laughter and grief, alternating with mind-boggling swiftness.
I talk to people who wonder if they should ever have kids, who look at the women wearing mom jeans with frazzled hair, the dads who check out and watch football, ignoring the childish activity around them. And I understand why they wouldn’t want kids.
No argument, our lives are more complicated because we have the girls. We have much less disposable income, we ride an emotional roller-coaster, we think parenting is the hardest job we’ve ever had.
But, without the girls… oh, my. Each day I would miss an opportunity to laugh. I would miss the awesome wonder of seeing a tiny hand nestled in my own and recognizing its perfection.
Without the girls I would sleep through the night… but I wouldn’t feel the contentment of holding the squishy, beautiful lump of a sleeping child in my arms.
I would need far less Band-Aids… but I wouldn’t have the joy of seeing my child dare to try something new that stretched them beyond their limits.
If I didn’t have little ones piping, “Mama!” non-stop, my head would be clear to think about my hopes, my dreams, my ambitions… but I wouldn’t be in a position to help my kids realize the world is theirs to explore, and is a place that desperately needs their input to become a better.
There are a lot of valid reasons people shouldn’t have kids. I am never, ever going to stand on a soapbox and announce every family should have kids, no matter what. We all know enough heartache in the world exists and wish some people had never been given the opportunity to destroy a child’s life.
But… I’m desperately glad for my girls. They make my life more difficult – but richer!, more emotional – but passionate!, they make my life…
And I am grateful for it.
Your girls are incredibly precious gifts even in my life. I’m definitely not commenting to share my stance because you know what that is but I did want to say that I think that a lot of the kids in my life (and not just that I know, but that I make a real effort to be a part of their lives) are incredibly beautiful, special, and precious and my life would not be as full of joy as it is. That is all.
From a really frizzy haired mom in some rockin’ mom jeans: yes, and yes, and YES. Good post.
So much sweetness in this post — I just love your perspective here. {and it’s nice to meet you, too!}
Nice to meet you, too! Glad you enjoyed… sometimes I just need to stop and remember why I’m a mom. 🙂
Well said! Some days are incredibly difficult, but many more are very rewarding. I looked forward to becoming a mom for many years. I didn’t realize that parenting would be the hardest job EVER! But, it is SO worth it! 🙂