Christmas Spirit Prompts

Well, it’s December 1 and it’s snowing. Despite not having anything resembling Christmas up in our house yet, I’m starting to feel the mood for Christmas.
Take it or leave, but I thought I’d share a few things that set the Christmas mood around here.
1. The Music. Way back in the day I worked at Bath & Body Works during the holiday season and this was the sound track they played. Even though hearing the same songs over and over can really wear on you, I discovered I love these CDs… they really set the mood for Christmas with their covers of traditional songs by amazing artists. A Very Special Christmas, A Very Special Christmas 2, A Very Special Christmas 3. The volumes now go up to seven… I’m sure they’re all lovely but I can only vouch for the volumes up until 3. Because I’m old.
2. The Elf. Uno introduced the tradition of the Elf on the Shelf last year from her classroom. I think it’s sweet and am looking forward to the tradition for years to come here at home. Good times, great behavior, the Elf on the Shelf is just awesome.
3. The Book. I am a complete sucker for anything Mary Englebreit. Really. I think she’s the most amazing illustrator on the planet. So when I saw she has a version of The Night Before Christmas I was all in! Last year we read it ever single night before Christmas and the girls can now repeat some parts. Maybe by the end of this year they’ll have the whole thing memorized?
I’m being very careful in my consideration of Christmas gifts this year. Space, money and time are at a premium for our family. So I’m going to put some thought into it and probably post on our wish list a bit later this month.
What are the products and traditions that say Christmas to you?
HA! I too had volumes 1-3!!! Or at least #3. My sister stole it. We used to share custody but she’s had it for the last SEVERAL Christmas, the rotten kid.
Rude. I think you should plan a hostile takeover immediately and redeem your CDs!