Happy Birthday, Oreo!
100 years is a really long time to enjoy the bliss of an Oreo cookie. And yet, that’s where we are today.
The Oreo turned 100 today. Despite the fact I’m a bit freaked out the Oreo was originally called a “biscuit,” there’s no doubt the Oreo plays a big role in our lives.
Oreo’s are Lizard’s favorite treat, so much so our girls call them “Daddy cookies.”
When we need to bribe our children to let us clip their fingernails and toenails, what do we give them? Yep, you guessed it, Daddy cookies. It’s amazing how their hands become completely consumed with twisting those wafers apart… totally distracts the cherubs from the monkey business going on with their toes.
We are original Oreo purists: keep those Double Stuff, Triple Double and any Oreo stained a violent pastel in honor of Easter far away! And the chocolate/chocolate ones… no way. There’s no better way to eat an Oreo than as it should be, original and lovely, dipped in cold, creamy milk.
Weirdos from other countries mess with a good thing too much. In China you can find them in Green Tea, orange/mango, and raspberry/blueberry “Double Fruit” flavors. In Argentina, there’s the Oreo Alfajor, with a half-banana, half-dulce de leche flavored filling. In Mexico, people enjoy “Trio Chocolate,” with three different types of chocolate in each cookie, and Oreos with a cookies-and-creme filling (that’s right — Oreo cookies with Oreo-cookie filling, so to speak.)
Please excuse me. The thought of a green tea flavored Oreo just made me urp a little in my mouth.
Too bad they don’t make an Oreo with pickled okra creme filling topping a tomato juice flavored cracker. You know that would be a best seller to pregnant women worldwide!
Did you know Oreo eating is gender biased? I learned that today. According to this article, Kraft Foods reports 84 percent of men and 59 percent of women eat the cookie without twisting it open first.
I don’t know what this mens but I suspect it has deep, eternal consequences.
And if you’re hungry for a little Oreo spin, that same article shares favorite recipes for repurposing the Oreo. Bon appetit!
Is the Oreo your favorite cookie?
The Oreo isn’t my favorite cookie, but it is my dad’s. So the oreo is somewhat special to me just for that! And I would bet the green tea oreo wouldn’t be that bad! Green tea is a pretty good flavor 😉 Can’t knock it till you try it!! 😀
and by that i mean try it in he cookie form, not in another form in which the flavor is proven to taste good. after re-reading both of my comments now, I believe that you should just delete them, and I’ll try again some other time, and not on 2 hours of sleep 😀
I love your comments, whether they are made on 2 hours of sleep or 12. 🙂 You’re awesome!