Abominable Snow

I have just finished driving through a snow storm. And I didn’t like it, not at all.
Having six inches of snow in the month of April is bad enough, worse, I switched vehicles with my parents today so I could get better gas mileage for my long journey. I was in a little sedan instead of my lovely, heavy, 4×4 Suburban Stella.
I have a special relationship with Stella the Suburban anyway, today’s little driving adventure just cemented my love for good ‘ol Detroit steel.
I’ve decided there are very few things worse than driving in a snow storm in a vehicle you don’t particularly trust. The snow storm itself was second cousin, once removed to Mephistopheles, but the vehicle… Oh! I am mad about the whole process.
However, getting home to a hot shower and viewing of Indiana Jones… well, that makes things a little better.
To my friends in the central regions of the country… good luck with this weather pattern. Stay safe!