Thoughts about TMI Tuesday

Have you heard of TMI Tuesday?
(My mother just had a cardiac episode in fear of what words might follow a pronouncement that I would participate in any activity that gives me permission to be even more gross than I am naturally. I promise, this post will not be about poop. Or body fluids… I think.)
I’m trying to learn how to use Google+. In fact, if you’re on Google+, please find StealingFaith and add me to your circle. I have a new icon in the upper right hand corner of this webpage that I believe will take you to my profile page on Google+.
The problem is I have no idea what I’m really doing with Google+, so if I make a foolish move, please forgive me. And if you have any tips about how to use it appropriately, please tell me that too. I need help.
Anyway, I’m poking around Google+ to try to figure out what on earth I’m doing over there and I saw they have a “trending topics” list and saw #TMITuesday.
I clicked.
Whoa. Don’t ever do that! My idea of “Too Much Information” and the rest of the oversharer’s are worlds apart! My retinas are scorched.
It made me think about the difference between “real” and “raw.”
There are quite a few things people don’t talk about because it’s vulnerable or uncomfortable. Yet talking about them can be really, really beneficial because it creates a sense of comraderie that allows people to make positive changes and grow in a beneficial way. That’s the benefit of authenticity and being “real.”
Then there are the “raw” topics that really should remain private or be discussed within a smaller circle of confidantes. A lot of what I saw on the trending topics feed is not information designed to do anything but engender shock, create conflict, or cause harm to others. It’s really too “raw,” it’s missing the redeeming value of humanity.
Several months ago I wrote about the Imperfection Challenge. If you’d like, take a few minutes to refresh your memory on that post, and the posts that inspired it.
The basic premise? We surround ourselves with safe, constructed little lives based on what we think should be perfect. Then when things don’t measure up to our concept of “normal” we flip out.
A psychology teacher used to say, “When reality doesn’t meet or exceed expectations, dissatisfaction and loss of hope follow.”
Except there is no “normal.” Living in reality means we need to wear safety helmets, knee pads, and mouth guards.
We are all imperfect. That’s the “real.” And for some… that’s the “Too Much Information.”
What would your TMI Tuesday confession be?
(If you feel like this post is leaving you hanging, you might like to read Lost.)