President Bush and Me

The Jolly Green Giant, in all his muscular glory.

“I do not like broccoli. And I haven’t liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And I’m President of the United States and I’m not going to eat any more broccoli.” ~ George Bush, 41st President


I don’t have any special affinity for President Bush, but I do stand with him on the issue of broccoli. A vegetable is not supposed to have the texture of a mouthful of styrofoam balls – it would be better to just eat the styrofoam.


That’s how I’ve always felt about it. I’ve also had an innate fear of anything dark green. And that Green Giant guy – he creeps me out because no one should be that green, that muscular and that confident wearing a leafy loincloth.


As a mom, however, I’ve gotten a guilt trip about my aversion to broccoli. It seems like all the “grown up” moms have their kids eat broccoli. Uno used to eat broccoli with college students at the salad bar, so even grown up non-moms like broccoli.


And yet, I’ve regarded it with suspicion.


Every once in awhile I try to do the right thing despite my unfounded fears, and a few months ago I bought a bag of frozen broccoli with the hope I would eventually make take another stab at being a grown up and cook the broccoli.


Today was the day. I became a grown up. (Sort of.) I cooked the broccoli in a homemade macaroni dish and it was soooo good I want to share the recipe and experience with you.


(Warning. This is an ugly dish. Really ugly. And the kids weren’t over the top about it because I’ve trained them to think Kraft mac ‘n cheese is ambrosia, but Miss Picky Eater (me) had two bowlfuls.)


Green Chile Broccoli Macaroni & Cheese


2 c. small macaroni

1 can chicken broth

1 small can chopped green chile

1/2 c. milk

2 c. shredded cheese (I used fiesta, but any kind will work)

1/2 c. frozen broccoli (could be any vegetable)

1/2 c. cooked meat (optional – bacon, chicken, ham, etc.)

salt and pepper to taste


Place pasta, green chile, broccoli, and chicken broth in saucepan and cook 15-20 minutes over medium heat, until pasta is tender and all liquid is absorbed. Remove from heat and add milk and cheese. Stir until cheese is melted and creamy sauce forms. Add more milk as needed (up to 1/2 cup). Stir in cooked meat (if using). Season with salt and pepper to taste.


Makes 2 adult servings (or three small children and a hungry mommy, a.k.a. 4 generous side servings)


What’s your take on  broccoli?



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