8 Reasons I Pray for My Children
A few weeks ago a friend gave me this nifty page with suggestions of how to pray for my children daily.
Oh heavens, do I need to pray for them on a daily basis. Mostly that I won’t string them up by their toenails.
While I actually love the page itself and would highly recommend it to anyone so inclined, I thought it would be fun to take a few of the virtues and mention, with trademark sarcasm, why it’s important I pray for this quality in the hoodlums.
1. Self-control. Remember the time Dos slid her fingers through the arm hair of a practical stranger? Yes? Well, if anyone needs self-control it’s this girl. I was foolish enough to venture into the mall with my brood today in search of a gray shirt. I turned my back, next thing I know, Dos is in the store front window, running her hands up and down the mannequin’s legs. Self-control? Needed.
2. Justice. There is nothing so well-developed as a sense of justice in a six-year-old. Uno collapsed into tears a few days ago because Dos got a larger piece of gum. It was a Chiclet – I’m confident it’s impossible for those to be irregularly sized because they’re all coming out of a factory that uses scraps of gingham to size their product. My opinion doesn’t matter, however. Justice must be maintained.
3. Mercy. Just this evening Tres took her father’s slipper from his foot and slammed it down on Uno’s head. Why, we don’t know. But until Uno learns to holler, “Uncle!” I’m guessing I’ll be praying for mercy for the two-year-old.
4. Courage. My children watched me butcher a chicken. They touch friendly snakes without fear. All have been known to practice their gymnastics on the steel handrail affixed three feet above our cement sidewalk. I pray their courage is tempered so they don’t end up dead one day from foolhardiness!
5. Purity. Some families might see the word “purity” and equate it with chastity and such. Not us. I’m considering purity from the germ standpoint. On any given day our children run around barefoot, feet sporting the dirt-encrusted line of a flip flop sandal. Dear Lord, please keep them from foot and mouth disease, stepping on earthworms, and stealthily-hidden shards of glass.
6. Humility. I suppose I should be grateful my children are secure in their affections, but it’s disconcerting to have the following conversation with your kid: “Sweetie, you know I love you, right? No matter what.” “Yeah. I know.” It’s never crossed their minds they might need to practice a smidgen of humility.
7. Perseverance. Nothing says you’ve got a child with stick-to-it-ness than a horse-obsessed six-year-old with a piece of rope. That child can turn anything into a horsey item. The walker doubles as a horse and a horse-mounting step stool. Every spare bit of time becomes the stage for a quick horse race. The kid is horse crazy and willing to do anything to work horses into everyday life.
8. Peace-Loving. Dos can screech like a hoot owl. How would I know this? She was NOT demonstrating her peace-loving nature. Instead she was sitting in the Barbie Jeep with her sister, screaming, because Tres wouldn’t remove her foot from the pedal. Did I mention the Jeep was moving with nary a hand on the steering wheel? Peace. It’s another quality we find lacking on a daily basis.
There are certainly other qualities we need in our house, these are a few that stand out.
As you check out this graphic, what qualities do you think your children need the most?
This post was originally published September 26, 2012 and is being recycled as part of the “I’ve Been Around” summer! Hope you enjoyed it and I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
Love your sense of humor!! Thank YOU for sharing this with your “tribe” =) The quality that needs MOST work under our roof is GRATITUDE! Complaining is like nails-on-a-chalk-board to me and I’m OVER IT! I know my kids are sick of me saying “Look for the good, and give me 5” <— not five push-ups, 5 things that they are grateful for!! Repetition of counting our blessings is the only way we will overcome the sense of entitlement and looking at what we DONT have to embrace ALL THE GIFTS we do have {big and small}
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Teri Johnson
adorable! I too, had a horsey obsessed smallfry. She would even try to ride the tiny plastic ones – you know, like the Breyer kind? It was kinda sad actually. I think that was her plan. The sympathy vote. And she’s the same one who would lovingly jump into anyone’s lap. Once I overheard another mom whisper, “She must not have a daddy…look how she goes after the adult men.” Ahem. Embarrassing.