Move Confidently

Follow your path...
Follow your path…

I’m guessing I was on Pinterest when I saw the phrase, “If your dreams don’t scare you you’re not dreaming big enough.”


I say this because my Pinterest feed looks like a Twitter feed from Jim Rohn. But it doesn’t really matter where I saw it first, as long as I have a chance to talk with you about what it means!


I spent the evening talking with young adults about having child-like faith. It reminded me of the time Dos accidentally let go of her helium-filled balloon in a parking lot.


“Sad day!” I told her as the balloon floated away. “Now it’s all gone!”


“No, it not gone,” she told me confidently, “Daddy get it! Daddy get ladder and bring it back!”


I think back to that exchange whenever I need to remind myself to just believe in something, believe it can happen even if there’s no rhyme or reason.


For some reason I think you need to hear this today: You need to be brave enough to dream big. Get embarrassed by your audacity… but don’t stop dreaming.


I don’t know what you’re going to accomplish but it’s going to be big if you have courage. And the journey on the way to achieving your dream – definitely worth taking.



“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.”

Henry David Thoreau


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