Sunrise Footprint

Shortly after I wrote last night I got a post from Tom Basson, another blogger who went viral with a post a few weeks ago (I jumped onto his bandwagon). He’s got good stuff to say.
His post brought my attention to a little internet doo-dad called the Slavery Footprint. It takes the things you already own and clocks out your slavery footprint.
It’s amazing. Takes about 10 minutes and, well, you need to check this out. My number is 42.
The kids did me in! Yep, their outdoor toys, underwear and dolls. (Do I have to claim them if they’re all second-hand?!)
We’ve had to continually trim down since moving into the rabbit hole, so I think I would have scored much higher if it were only a few months ago.
You know… that Tonka truck doesn’t just make itself.
I got up well before dawn this morning to sneak out of the house and write. Those folks at Wildflower, they know how to lure me in with free Wi-Fi and refills!
As I type this I can steal glances out the window to watch the sunrise over the mountains and pine trees. It’s just a tad bit gorgeous…
They’re playing a Christmas music soundtrack and, now that Thanksgiving has past, I think that’s awesome. Makes me want to go carolling through the sun-dappled streets with apple cider and a cozy fire with crackling wood waiting for when I’m done.
Ah… romance. It pops up everywhere, doesn’t it?
What’s your most romantic Christmas wish? Will you post your slavery number in the comments?