Truth: I have a new obsession.
Several months ago we started talking about whether raising rabbits would be a good thing for our family. I grew up with rabbits and now that we’ve moved we have several family friends who have rabbits as pets, bringing the whole idea back to mind.
I thought we were going to start our rabbitry by purchasing rabbits at the county fair in August. It turned out that wasn’t meant to be – it was actually the beginning of October when we got our first rabbits.
One of those does came to us having spent some… ahem… quality time… with a handsome buck. If that time was productive, Duchess should be having her babies tomorrow or the next day.
My friends, I can think of nothing else but rabbits and rabbit babies. While Duchess is definitely pregnant here’s a chance she isn’t due this week but in two weeks instead. The waiting, the uncertainty, the hope… it’s about to drive me crazy!
That’s all I have on my mind right now. I could tell you about how cute the girls were when they got home from Awana tonight and Dos thanked me for “getting them into Awana” (like it’s a very selective program… pretty sure if you have a pulse you’re welcome in that kids program!) or how Bubby has decided he can kick me in the face at night as a meal request (one of the dangers of co-sleeping).
But really, I just want to think about my rabbit. And learn about all things rabbitry. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.
Have you ever been so excited for something you can’t stop thinking about it?! Did it live up to your expectations?