Weekly Top 5 (5.26.19)

Once again it’s time for the weekly round up! In competitive order, from first to last, the top five posts read on StealingFaith this week!
- Audit. “If you are stepping into any business, may I suggest it would be a good idea to know what types of records are required in an audit so you can begin with excellent bookkeeping skills at the outset and thus walk forward in confidence?”
- Neighbors. “When people say, “Just let it go,” they’re right about the need for folks to move on and allow for time and healing to occur. But, also, those detractors who just want people to be quiet already should recognize that a strong desire to help others is a part of the DNA of many leaders. And they may feel compelled to share, out of a desire to love others well, the pros and cons of what they have experienced themselves.”
- A Day in the Life of Kitten Snatchers. “When the man of the house came home last night and I told him we’d covered the subjects of math, Latin and trapping, he just looked at me quietly for awhile. “What have you done?” he finally asked me. “No regrets,” I whispered to him passionately as I handed him a can of Fancy Feast.
- Unpleasantness. “If statistics are true, 25% of American women have received an abortion… and while I can’t even begin to know or understand the circumstances that led to these decisions as women and doctors exercised their “right to choose,” I do believe there is a trail of unhappiness and pain littering that right to choose.”
- You Want the Reasons We Have Left CC. “Our family has made the decision to leave Classical Conversations permanently. Illogical accusations and unlawful expectations from our state leadership are the straw that has broken the camels back, but, to be honest, the business practices and philosophy changes have caused me heartburn for quite awhile. We have been praying that God would be extremely clear if He wanted us to change anything and He’s been so faithful! It’s become quite obvious that He’s ready to move us in a new direction.”
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