Brain Dump

This is going to be one of those posts where I just brain dump. You might want to move along now unless you want a glimpse into a brain that has so many tabs open… all of the time.
I am thinking about….
Goats. My kid has been dreaming about her 4H market goat. She’s worried that because she won’t get the first choice her favorite goat will be gone by the time she picks it up. She’s super intense and she just woke up and told me she dreamed she was in a footrace with a buyer who was after her goat all the way to the goat breeder’s house.
Community. The word on the street is that the state leadership is telling folks that our CC community has closed because, not only am I being used by Satan to attack CC, but I have poor leadership skills and wasn’t able to replicate myself well. I am trying to not become furious with this – I have the statistics for our community that state that more than 50% have served in leadership in some capacity and leadership development is one of my passions – and just let it go. The reality is they are grasping for straws. But it still frustrates the stink out of me.
Yogurt. I made homemade yogurt yesterday. I’ve done this successfully many times before. This batch, however, isn’t setting so I really just have liquid yogurt that could be used for smoothies. I’ve Googled it and I think I can blame the house getting too cold due to the freak winter storm that dumped a few inches of snow night before last. So I’m going to reheat my smoothie yogurt and then set it for another 12 hours and pray for the best.
Latin. I’m worried about Latin. I am trying to decide between using Memoria Press or Classical Academic Press as a bridge back into studying Henle Latin. I’m totally attracted to the CAP products because of their fonts and colors. It’s very friendly and makes me happy. BUT I’ve read that those same fonts and colors that attract me make it very difficult for those with ADD and dyslexia to focus on the content… and I’ve got a little of that happening in our family too. So I think I’m going to end up with Memoria Press but I’m so sad about it. I want ALL THE LATIN programs.
Kittens. We still have kittens. They’re alive, but Marco has diarrhea. I feel this is to be expected because moving from living in the garage unnoticed to being extremely noticed by four children has to be a diarrhea-inducing stressful experience for anyone. But I would like them to stop with the Fancy-Feast-induced poops and be normal so I’m not scared we’re going to kill them. That’s really where I land most days – “Just DON’T KILL ANYTHING.” We have a pretty successful track record, to be honest. But I think that’s because I am so freaked out about the killing part.
And now I’m going to clean my house. It’s a need. If you have any thoughts, dreams, hopes, aspirations, experiences, etc. about any of these topics – please share. I would love your input!