Well, hello there! Welcome to crazyland here at StealingFaith.com!
I am the writing powerhouse behind the blog. My goal: to make you smile, and to create a space where we can discuss real issues in a real way.
I tend to write whatever’s on my mind each day. That generally means parenting, choosing a successful marriage, how to be a grown up, and those quirky stories about the human condition that are too bizarre to pass without a sarcastic mention!
I am a working, cloth diapering, mother of three girls and one boy birthed in six years. The girls and I spend our time injecting estrogen into the air and emoting about important topics like chewing gum, our hair, grocery shopping trips and the injustice of not being able to feed my Coca-Cola addiction via IV. Our boy, well, he’s the baby so right now he mostly just eats, sleeps and expels various substances. We hope he’ll grow out of that. My husband, Lizard, is in a constant state of rapture about these topics, as I’m sure you can imagine.
Yes, there are books in the works and when they publish I will beg you to buy them. They will make you laugh!
I refer to myself as “Juggler” because that’s what I do trying to order the hats I wear on a daily basis.
(Yes, I and my family do have different names than Lizard, Juggler, Uno, Dos, Tres, and Bubby. However, this is a public blog and I’m confident there are crazy people in this world; I don’t know that you aren’t one of them! If I get too specific you may want to steal my children and most days I think that would be a bad idea.)
(If you’re offended, please forgive me. Paranoia runs in my family. We also bury money, stockpile food, and then wonder, with true bafflement, why everyone doesn’t do this.)
Our children are brilliant. (Just getting that out of the way so you won’t be surprised when I quote them.) They might also be qualified for the label, “odd ducks,” but that’s absolutely not a trait I passed on. Hee, hee.
We have three dogs. A Great Dane, the sweetest, dumbest dog you’ll ever meet, and two toy poodles. They are called “puddles” in my writing to honor my Serbian friend. One puddle is neurotic and scared of everything and the other likes to lick the Great Dane’s teeth.
I blog daily and have been known to be sarcastic and – on occasion – wickedly funny. Set your sights low, though, for that’s much safer for your expectations and will allow you to be happily surprised when something tickles your funny bone!
I’m excited to see you here and hope you’ll head over to that little button in the upper right hand corner of the site to subscribe to the blog. Please… give me feedback when something I’ve written strikes your fancy or you have an idea for a post! Comments are my lifeblood… and a great way to learn about what makes you tick!
You can always reach me on facebook, twitter, and at stealingfaith(at)gmail(dot)com. Cheers!
Well glad that I just figured out that this was YOUR blog! I would always wonder! But now I know… haha…
Bongo would like you to check out his latest post. You write one of his (actually my) favorite blogs and Bongo’s given you an award. Laura P