Weekly Top 5 (6.9.16)

Welcome! If you’re new to StealingFaith, feel free to check out the posts with the most traffic this past week. Also go exploring through the blog – it was started in 2010 and I wrote daily for several years so there is lots of content about life, parenting, homeschooling, and (hopefully) lots of laughter!
- Paperclips & Mobs. “This is a very simple interaction, but it is an example of the mob mentality that keeps people from speaking up when they decide to leave <educational curriculum/method>. Complete strangers suddenly have opinions, and go on the offense when they hear a whisper of negativity. This is not normal behavior.”
2. Bamboozled. “I suspect I have been bamboozled. I’m not making an accusation that this has been malicious or intentional… but I am stating I think it’s real. That the people who I once thought were crazy were telling the truth. There is simply too much evidence present for me to say that the crazy-making doesn’t exist.”
3. Neighbors. “When people say, “Just let it go,” they’re right about the need for folks to move on and allow for time and healing to occur. But, also, those detractors who just want people to be quiet already should recognize that a strong desire to help others is a part of the DNA of many leaders. And they may feel compelled to share, out of a desire to love others well, the pros and cons of what they have experienced themselves.”
4. Leavin’ CC on a Jet Plane. “But in our case, even though we’ve been running a CC community as close to the DLG and book as I’ve ever known… we got crossways with our state leadership. This isn’t the time for great details, but suffice to say it was big and it was wrong and at the end, due (I think) to a really prideful heart and perspective, there was just no way to move forward.”
5. Good Fences Make Good Neighbors. “Yesterday I saw a comment on Facebook that illustrated the freedom of stepping out of leadership in a corporate structure that had caused stress in her marriage as her attention was divided between the good of the organization and the good of her home. There was a string of replies to that statement of people who have allowed their love of an organization to overtake their ability to love lavishly on their family. It sneaks up on you… this desire to serve and succeed and then suddenly you realize you aren’t loving lavishly on the ones who are closest to you.”