Times Are Changing…

So apparently Satan’s on the prowl for a parka and there are reports of airborne swine because my mom just sent me a text message.
She’s on Facebook, too.
My shock comes not only because she’s, well, my mom, but also because this is the woman who regards electronics with the same wariness she might a diamondback rattlesnake. She’s pretty anti-technology.
All of this changed when her children got her an iPad for Christmas. (Well, my dad uses it just as much and it was a mutual present but I’m determined to give her a hard time so this post is all about her.) All of the sudden they were playing Words with Friends and Solitaire and searching the prices of precious metals on their handy handheld device.
Their grandchildren may have taught them a thing or two about how to manipulate the tool. Oldest? Aged seven.
Then there was a vague inquiry about whether it was time to retire the Motorola Razr cell phone. An iPhone appeared.
My mother… 0.
Technology… 2.
Despite all sorts of protestations that she doesn’t know how to check email, retrieve voicemail, or write a status update, slowly but surely my mother is entering not only her seventh decade of life but also the world of technology and social media.
Watch out, world. There’s good stuff coming!
Do you remember the first text message you got from your parents?
Please let your mom know that I’m quite jealous. Not only am I not on Facebook, but I don’t send texts either. Maybe she can give me lessons!